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Export Wikipedia Articles as PDF and Create Ebook

Wikipedia is one of the most popular website, Wikipedia providing information about Place, Film, Celebrity and other too many contents. Wikipedia is the biggest online Encyclopedia. Wikipedia contains more than 3+ Million articles.

Many people open Wikipedia website but most of the people don't know about this feature.

How To: Export Wikipedia Articles as PDF and Create Ebook


  1. Open Wikipedia article that you wanted to download as a PDF or Create Ebook.
  2. Now click on Print/export option [ See above picture].
  3. If you want to export single page then click on Download as PDF.
  4. To export multiple number of articles or wiki web pages Click on Create a book.
  5. After Clicking on Create a book option, then click on Start book creator browse wiki articles to select wiki article click on Add this page to your book , After adding wiki articles click on Show book and download it as PDF , Word processor , EPUB & OpenZim Formats.

Wikipedia is one of the most popular website, Wikipedia providing information about Place, Film, Celebrity and other too many contents. Wikipedia is the biggest online Encyclopedia. Wikipedia contains more than 3+ Million articles. Many people open Wikipedia website but most of the people don't know about this feature.